Here you are going to see how I get the mass of my exoplanet with the Nasa data and using the program RStudio.
As you can see, first of all we call the document with the NASA data with the name that we want, in this case "original".Then we put "View" to see the data that we called. After that, you have to put an interval to the number you want, in this case the exoplanets that have a radius less than 2 and put another time "View" to see this interval. Finally we made a relation with the mass and the radius of the exoplanets and print them, after this we obtain that the coefficient is 3,343. With this number we don't have the mass, to get it we have to use: log y= z log x where Y is the radius, X the mass of the exoplanet and Z the coefficient. When we isolate the mass we get that X= z^√y. We substitute the letters for number and this is the result X= 3,343^√1,6= 1,15. The conclusion is that the mass of my exoplanet (GJ 676 A b) is 1,15 times the mass of the earth.